What I Know Now
9 years ago
1/2007: Spent months deciding if adoption, surrogate or me trying to become pregnant was the best option for us.
11/2007: Called TN Dept of Childrens Services and signed up for DCS adoption PATH classes.
12/2007: Started PATH classes
3/2008: Finshed PATH classes
5/2008: Homestudy was finshed and we offically became resource parents in hope of adopting.
2/2009: For the heck of it asked CF doctor what she felt about me and becoming pregnant and to our shock said that if hemotoligst agreed then she would support us.
3/2009: Met with hemotoligst and she supported me becoming pregnant with use of blood thinners. Also had follow up visit with CF clinic for peak flow after 2 weeks of IV's. Blew an 89% freaking awesome and super excited!
3/2009: Met with Reproductive Endrocronoligst and decided to try 3 IUI cycles then meet again if no BFP (Big Fat Positive)
3/2009: First IUI, natural cycle with trigger shot on 3/18 21mm folicle -BFN (BIG FAT NEGITIVE)
4/2009: Second IUI, natural cycle with trigger shot on 4/16 19mm folicle - BFN
5/2009: Called RE and asked for clomid for a medicated cycle, he agreed, started clomid for 5 days
5/2009: Third IUI, medicated cycle 50mg clomid with trigger shot 5/16 23mm, 21mm and 20mm follicle 6/2009:
1/28/2010 at 5:27 am Nicolas Christian David Brown was born
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