Friday, January 1, 2010

What A Difference A Year Makes

This day a year ago is much different then today. Last year the hopes and dreams that I had carried for so many years are a reality today. I spent last year with my pregnant friend wondering every hour if she was about to go into labor (she was due on Dec 23) and this year I am the pregnant one who is only 5 1/2 weeks from her due date. I never thought that this year it would be me, me the one who couldnt drink the beer last night, or had to take the zofran after dinner so that I didnt get sick :) It's more of a miracle then I ever could have imagined. I am so very very blessed.

Well as of now we are 5 1/2 weeks from D day :) I am so ready for him to be born! The sickness is really getting to me. I cant keep food down, I am sick to my stomach all the time and when I do eat I am lucky if I eat a handful or two of food at a time. I really really just want to go back to normal life where eating is not a challange that I dread so much every day. Also I am starting to have more trouble breathing and a cough comming back after getting off the IV's. I think it is a mixture of pregnancy and asthma b/c taking an inhaler does give me some relief. I just wonder if I can go on for 5 more weeks with my chest feeling like this but one day at a time.

At our 34 week appt last monday nicolas was weighing in at 5lb 5oz!!!! Also he had turned head down so that is great! That explains all the kicks and punches in the different spots that I feel them now. I am being seen every week from now on and will have a growth ultrasound every week also. Last monday the tech was able to point out that he has hair!! It was so neat to see it waving around on his head. I said with all this sickness he darn better have hair :) Hopefully on monday we will be getting a better set of pictures from a different ultrasound place at the hospital and I can post them for all to see. Well I am heading back to my indent spot on the couch :)

Love to you all! Below is a picture of the best christmas present that Nick and I ever recieved....


Diane Brown said...

Such a cute picture!

Jess said...

Amazing and Inspiring to me! :) So happy for you.

Mom said...

What a wonderful gift!

Anonymous said...

Alisha: it's 1:18am and I can't sleep for worrying about you and Nicholas. I hope someone posts something very soon. We are praying for you and love you, Margaret